Narrowboat Tacet

Silent Movement - Our gap year travelling the inland waterways

Monday, 12 December 2011

Up At The Crack Of Dawn

Ok, I know its no big deal at the moment when we are so close to the shortest day, but this was the scene as we were just about ready to leave our mooring in Warwick.

Today was one of those days when the camera didn't come out of my pocket much.  But we have been busy with just a few locks (23) to do.
It was such a lovely sunny day that we were happy to be out and managed to get to Lower Shuckburgh where we moored up at 4pm just in front of nb Matilda Rose. It  was good to be able to say hi to Graham and Jill as well as Baxter, Muttley and Daisy.
So a long day, 8 hours cruising, not bad for December.
The weather is changing though, now it is windy and raining.
15 miles, 23 locks


  1. Blimey; all those lock miles and you still had enough energy to come and talk to us! See you tomorrow; but not if you're leaving that early again

  2. Beautiful sunrise. It makes it worth the dark awakenings :)
