Saturday 15 June 2013

Head and Hands

Today we reached the head of the River Great Ouse, not content to stop in Bedford, Mr B took the map at its word and carried on to Kempston Mill, marked as Limit of Navigation.



Except this was as close as we could get, the bottom was too near the top!  We ground to a halt. It was too narrow to turn as well as too shallow, so there was nothing for it but to reverse.  The stream was running fast so Ian threw out a mud weight from the bow which kept us on a straight course ‘til we got to a wide enough bit to wind (turn).


This afternoon we did a bit of shopping, dodging the showers, in and out of the shops and this evening we have been to a concert of Hand Bell ringing.  The East Anglian Handbell Ringers had a wide repertoire of music styles and we were amazed at the many different sounds you can get from a handbell. It was a really interesting evening with chance to look more closely at the bells and speak to the musicians in the interval.

P1090781 P1090782

The range of bells from smallest, two held in each hand, to the largest where two hands were needed.

4 miles, 1 lock

1 comment:

  1. I expect the hand bell ringing concert was really interesting to watch as well as hear!
