Narrowboat Tacet

Silent Movement - Our gap year travelling the inland waterways

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Spring has Sprung

Normal service may now be resumed.
Our daughter has been staying with us over the past week, so no blogging has got done as we have spent the evenings chatting and playing games.    She joined us at Burton-on-Trent and we said goodbye to her here at Coventry today, its been great to have her company.  She goes back to uni for the final year of her nursing course in a couple of weeks time.

These pictures were taken at the weekend showing that now we're in March, spring is really here.......
Elder buds

Bluebell shoots

Pussy Willow



These 'green shoots of recovery' are full of so much more promise than those our politicians often speak of.
I was reminded of God's promise after the great flood;
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. Genesis 8 v 22

1 comment:

  1. In my garden, I have crocus, grape hyacinths and the shoots of daffodils, as well as a good number of snowdrops. The flowering current is also showing signs of life. Hopefully, in another couple of weeks, the hedges will be greening.
